Marketing Report


[eMarketer] Ethical questions on use of AI by big tech companies

28-06-2021 | 11:30:00
Ethical considerations in AI are increasingly important as it becomes intertwined with everyday life—and as a growing body of research highlights the litany of racial and gender biases baked into the tech.

[eMarketer] India’s strict e commerce rules target Amazon and Flipkart

24-06-2021 | 09:50:58
News that India had released strict rules targeting domestic and international ecommerce players has come as bad news for global  giants like Amazon and Walmart’s Flipkart who command a huge share of the market.

[eMarketer] Target US ecommerce sales to hit $18 billion this year

23-06-2021 | 12:30:00
American retail corporation Target has defied odds to post phenomenal ecommerce growth. This year, its US ecommerce sales will hit $18.64 billion, almost as much as all its US ecommerce sales from 2016 to 2019 combined according to eMarketer.

[eMarketer] Global ad spend to grow by over 10 per cent this year

22-06-2021 | 13:49:56
Global spending on advertisement is projected to grow by 10.6% year over year in 2021, going by forecasts from from media agencies Dentsu Aegis, GroupM, Magna, and Zenith.

[eMarketer] Pandemic redefines future of banking in US

11-06-2021 | 12:24:51
The shift by US customers from visiting banking halls to use of mobile apps during coronavirus pandemic may create a new way of banking with majority of customers saying they would maintain that habit post Covid.

[eMarketer] Virtual Reality and consumer marketing in China

10-06-2021 | 09:54:56
Even as companies in China invest in Virtual Reality to engage with consumers, the adoption of the emerging technology has failed to pick up as anticipated in recent years.

[eMarketer] Digital media consumption on unprecedented growth in US

09-06-2021 | 13:30:00
The average time a US adult spends on various media platforms has been on unprecedented rise in recent years, particularly at the height of the pandemic.

[eMarketer] Ecommerce channel ad spending on an impressive trajectory

04-06-2021 | 10:24:08
Before COVID-19 pandemic, ecommerce channel advertising had caught the eyes of advertisers, particularly on consumer packaged goods and retailers.

[eMarketer] Out Of Home advertising rebounds in China

02-06-2021 | 17:43:38
Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising spend in China suffered the steepest drop in the wake of Covid-19, falling by 18.0 per cent year over year (YoY) in 2020

[eMarketer] The meteoric growth of content creator economy

01-06-2021 | 16:51:00
The creator economy has been on a meteoric rise with marketers and social platforms in spirited efforts to work with them. This has opened a world of opportunities for creators to earn beyond brand partnerships.

[eMarketer] Proximity mobile payments redefine transactions

26-05-2021 | 19:36:45
As the pandemic-induced social distancing and sanitizing measures drive everyday interactions, consumers are embracing contactless payments for both online and offline platforms.

[eMarketer] US TV advertisers’ upfront commitments to reach nearly $20 billion this season

25-05-2021 | 16:30:00
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, US TV advertisers cancelled $3 billion of their upfront commitment around June as quoted by Media Dynamics as the pandemic ravaged economies.

[eMarketer] Striking a balance between crypto trading and environmental conservation

21-05-2021 | 15:59:00
However as crypto trading is mainstreamed, there are concerns about their carbon footprint and the environmental implications.

[eMarketer] US telecoms dump media businesses for 5G

19-05-2021 | 15:56:43
In what points to the next frontier for competition and battle for customers, US telecoms are pivoting from traditional media business to investment in expanding their 5G network foothold.

[eMarketer] Brands renewed focus on influencer marketing

18-05-2021 | 16:59:23
Influencer marketing continues to make inroads in today’s marketing mix with brands keen to include creators in their media plans, a departure from the past when their roles were underestimated.

[eMarketer] China’s strategy to dominate the next generation of internet

14-05-2021 | 17:52:35
As internet technologies evolve and global superpowers compete to exert dominance in that space, there have been spirited efforts and investments to achieve that goal.

[eMarketer] Digital video ad spending overtakes TV ad outlays in Canada

12-05-2021 | 16:41:00
Digital video ad spending in Canada reached a new milestone in 2020 when it overtook TV ad outlays for the first time.

[eMarketer] Tiktok to overtake Instragram and Snapchat as platform of choice among US Gen Zers

11-05-2021 | 16:00:00
Social media platform has TikTok been on an upward trajectory in terms of user base having recorded phenomenal growth in 2019 and 2020.

[eMarketer] Proximity mobile payment user base in US to surpass 100 million this year

10-05-2021 | 08:20:14
Proximity mobile payment user base in the US will surpass 100 million this year. This is according to new data from eMarketer. 

[eMarketer] The rise and rise of contactless payments

07-05-2021 | 15:13:41
Covid-19 pandemic has not only shifted consumers’ shopping behaviours but also altered their modes of payment for goods and services.

[eMarketer] Connected TV has become a frontrunner in digital advertising

05-05-2021 | 11:39:00
Investment in Connected TV, CTV, in US rose by 40.6 per cent year on year in 2020 to reach over 9 billion with this growth expected to be sustained this year to hit $13.41 billion.
