Marketing Report
[eMarketer] India’s strict e commerce rules target Amazon and Flipkart

[eMarketer] India’s strict e commerce rules target Amazon and Flipkart

News that India had released strict rules targeting domestic and international ecommerce players has come as bad news for global  giants like Amazon and Walmart’s Flipkart who command a huge share of the market.

Traditional Indian retailers have complained that big players use their complex business structures to bypass Indian laws and compete unfairly.

India has been targeting Amazon and Walmart for years but recently stepped up enforcement. In March, India introduced a policy that would ban online marketplaces from giving sellers preferential treatment in response to claims that Amazon and Flipkart promote select sellers they have indirect stakes in.

India remains a key market for these online companies: Retail ecommerce sales are expected to hit $66.76 billion in 2021, surging to $145.07 billion by 2025, according to forecasts from eMarketer. Both Amazon and Walmart have been trying to capture some of this digitization as the market takes off.

Read the full eMarketer article here



