Marketing Report
AliExpress changes conditions after ACM, European Commission intervention

AliExpress changes conditions after ACM, European Commission intervention

AliExpress, the Chinese e-commerce platform, has adjusted its conditions after intervention by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) and the European Commission.

AliExpress is based in Singapore and uses terms that are not in accordance with the rules of the European Union. Since the sales platform does explicitly focus on the European Union, it must comply with the rules of the EU.

Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions can therefore from now on be found directly on the homepage and from now on you can go to a Dutch court for disputes instead of a court in Hong Kong. From now on, the prices will also mention a total price including VAT and customs charges; Consumers are entitled to a refund on returns. Warranty rules as they apply in the Netherlands also apply to purchases from AliExpress. Furthermore, AliExpress has also made the conditions available in Dutch.

AliExpress is part of the Alibaba Group and has been in existence since 2010. The sales platform is mainly known for very cheap (counterfeit) products that are often delivered with a longer delivery time.

AliExpress reports

The United States (Office of United States Trade Representative) has placed AliExpress on its list of notorious companies for piracy and illegal counterfeiting. India has announced a ban on AliExpress in 2020. There is influence of the Chinese communist party with its parent company Alibaba. Alibaba had a turnover in 2021 that amounts to approximately 134 billion euros.

ACM has defined the digital economy as a key point for 2022 within its range of tasks.
