Marketing Report
PRCA research reveals impact of ‘Plan B’ Covid measures on PR industry

PRCA research reveals impact of ‘Plan B’ Covid measures on PR industry

Half (50%) of public relations bosses and in-house leaders expect the Government’s latest Plan B measures to have little or no impact on business prospects, according to a PRCA ‘Plan B’ Pulse Check study.

However 39% of respondents said they were unsure of how restrictions would impact their operations.

The study – carried out by Question & Retain – was sent exclusively to communications leaders following the Government’s Plan B announcement aimed at tackling the spread of the Omicron variant.

Almost two-thirds (64%) of employers will allow employees to continue working from the office if they wish, despite the latest government guidance on working from home.

A quarter (25%) of leaders confirmed offices would close with 11% of respondents still unsure of plans.

Industry leaders are split on plans for Christmas parties. Under a third (29%) expect to go ahead with physical events as scheduled but more than a fifth (21%) have cancelled plans altogether.

Francis Ingham, Director General, PRCA: “The PR and Communications industry is split down the line about the impact of Plan B measures. What cannot be questioned is our industry’s ability to react and adapt to changes while delivering value for clients, people and organisations. The last 18 months have proven our ability and I’ve no doubt our will meet the challenges that lie ahead.”

Despite the government’s guidance on working from home, thesd s s figures show many (64%) will allow their employees the opportunity to work from the office, should they wish. Our sector has continually adapted to the impact of the pandemic, and this is yet another example of how they are being reactive, yet agile to meet business and employee needs."

Annabel Dunsta, founder and CEO, Question & Retain: “We are seeing a mixed picture here, but it is hardly unsurprising when there have been so many varying messages from the government over the last few weeks.  Business leaders are working hard to do the right thing, balancing the physical health of staff along with business impact and of course mental health.   Leaders are expressing cautious optimism with regards to the business impact of Plan B, with half saying it will have little or no impact. Interestingly two thirds of respondents are railing against government advice to work from home and allowing access to offices still. However, less than a third are planning to go ahead with their Christmas party and so perhaps a sense that chance collisions over the photocopier are deemed riskier than ever!”
