Marketing Report
Communications firm FINN Partners launches Global Health Impact Group

Communications firm FINN Partners launches Global Health Impact Group

FINN Partners has announced the formation of the “Global Health Impact Group” to marshal cross-practice policy, advocacy, and media expertise to advance issues and ideas that promote improved health outcomes and economic growth worldwide.

The move harnesses the agency’s full capabilities and sector expertise to address corporate, government and NGO public-health priorities in nearly 100 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.

FINN Global Health Impact will be co-led by Richard Hatzfeld, Mark Chataway, and Christopher Nial – three experts who have decades of experience working in emerging markets and with multinational companies, philanthropies, advocacy groups and government agencies to elevate some of the most pressing health and economic development issues of our time.

The group will focus initially on public policy and communications support for routine immunization and new vaccine development, water and sanitation, nutrition, health-system infrastructure, climate change impact, pandemic preparedness and maternal and child health.

Richard Hatzfeld, senior partner/FINN Washington, DC, and group’s global lead, FINN Global Health Impact: “Improving health is a gateway for growth and prosperity in the markets that will fuel the global economy in the coming decades. As our clients explore opportunities to build their brands in emerging markets and demonstrate meaningful impact within a range of communities, they expect to see a mix of health expertise matched with deep media and partner connections. We can deliver this combination at a global scale, including almost every African nation.”

The evolving nature of today’s client challenges requires a holistic, seamless approach that rapidly deploys diverse global resources and expertise. The group leverages a cohesive global ecosystem, distinguishing FINN from other communications agencies. The FINN Global Health Impact Group is championed by Gil Bashe, Chair Global Health and Purpose, with support from Fern Lazar, managing partner, Global Health Lead; Amy Terpeluk, managing partner, CSR and Social Impact Lead; and Jessica Berk Ross, managing partner, Global Public Affairs Lead.

The need for the Global Health Impact Group is underscored by recent research. In particular, the McKinsey & Co. report, Prioritizing Health: A Prescription for Prosperity, estimated that poor health reduces global GDP by 15% annually. Addressing public health issues enhances corporate reputation and strengthens collaborative ties among companies, customers, governments and NGOs.

Mark Chataway, managing partner in the EMEA region, Finn Partners: “The transition of many emerging nations into global economic players warrants a different level of engagement among companies and organizations who expect to have a leadership presence in those markets. With our integrated capabilities, FINN should be a clear consideration for those seeking to improve health equity worldwide and strengthen the brand reputation, operations and partnerships required for long-term success in these markets. Much of our future work in Europe will be informed by the rapid transformation of health systems in middle-income countries.”

Sharon Quntai, Nairobi-based East Africa specialist, FINN: “FINN is uniquely equipped to support communications needs wherever public health and business growth priorities converge, and this is especially true for Africa. In this region, successfully supporting population health is far more than a ‘feel-good effort.’ It is essential to deliver the growth and stability that are the stakes for fostering continued foreign investment and home-grown innovation.”

The Global Health Impact Group will work alongside the FINN Purpose and Social Impact Practice, which focuses on climate, diversity, environment, and sustainability priorities. Christopher Nial, senior partner in the EMEA region, represented FINN clients at COP28 in Dubai, working to elevate efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change on public health.

Nial: “Climate change and public health are inextricably linked. There is no escaping the reality that extreme weather events spread infectious diseases, worsen air quality, and increase heat-related illnesses. FINN Global Health Impact meets the needs of clients committed to solving issues at the intersection of climate and health.”

Peter Finn, CEO and founding partner, FINN Partners: “This is another vital move by FINN Partners to fulfill our vision to be an agency with a heart and conscience that any global company would want to work with. We have exceptional, knowledgeable talent tackling the world’s pressing health and business development priorities, and Global Health Impact is born from a key FINN client differentiator – the power of collaboration.”


