Marketing Report
YouTube agency Team5pm launches in Scandinavia

YouTube agency Team5pm launches in Scandinavia

Team5pm is expanding further abroad. After Germany, the YouTube agency from Amsterdam is now also opening an office in Scandinavia.

Carl-Johan Look is the Managing Director of the Stockholm office. From there, the agency also wants to help Scandinavian brands and publishers with success on YouTube. This is the next step of Team5pm's internationalization plans.

Carl-Johan Look: “YouTube is one of the most used websites in Scandinavia. Research has shown that 91 percent of all internet users say they use YouTube. This makes the platform more popular than Netflix when it comes to video. Of these, more than three million people watch YouTube on their TV, making it an extra attractive advertising platform for Scandinavian brands. The service that Team5pm offers is both niche and very unique, and is a gap in the Scandinavian market that many brands still miss in their marketing strategy. We are already in talks with some customers. I look forward to making Team5pm successful in Scandinavia and building a team in Stockholm.”

Jelmer Wind, co-founder, Team5pm: “Because the use of YouTube is growing all over the world, we are getting more and more demand from international parties. Currently, Team5pm already serves customers in twelve different countries. We continue to innovate in this area and we now want to serve the Scandinavian market in addition to the Netherlands and Germany. With this new step, we are opening up to collaborations with more Scandinavian brands.” 

