Marketing Report
VideoAmp to measure deduplicated YouTube reach and frequency

VideoAmp to measure deduplicated YouTube reach and frequency

VideoAmp has announced its ability to measure audience reach and frequency for YouTube across CTV, desktop and mobile.

This will allow advertisers to measure YouTube campaigns, leveraging VideoAmp’s currency-grade dataset within one unified platform.

This integration incorporates YouTube into VideoAmp’s cross-platform audience measurement solution, providing a more holistic view and enabling advertisers to make optimizations throughout the campaign.

Advertisers will be able to take advantage of this integration directly in VideoAmp’s platform at the end of Q2 2023, for pre-campaign planning and in-flight measurement. The integration provides:

An End-to-End Solution: Access to plan and measure performance across linear TV and YouTube in one platform. Incorporating other digital partners into this measurement view will be available in Q4.

Accuracy: A holistic view of audience reach and frequency on YouTube across all devices including CTV, desktop and mobile alongside linear TV, powered by VideoAmp’s currency-grade dataset.

Actionable Insights: The ability to make informed in-flight or post-campaign adjustments with measurement delivered throughout the campaign at the platform, tactic and campaign levels.

Michael Parkes, President, VideoAmp: “We are excited to launch integration with Google’s Ads Data Hub for Measurement Partners, empowering advertisers to unlock the full potential of their media investments across YouTube, television, and digital platforms. Through this integration, we offer reach and frequency measurement insights to help advertisers deliver maximum value from their media spend across their largest media partners.”

VideoAmp provides a full suite of advertising solutions that include media measurement, planning, strategy and research, budget management, activation integrations, data management, optimization, planning, and currency. Platform planning solutions help advertisers identify the best platforms and tactics to reach their target audience, while currency solutions enable advertisers to maximize their return on ad spend and publishers to generate greater revenue from their content.

VideoAmp’s expertise in data management allows advertisers to unlock the full potential of their data while protecting consumer privacy, and media measurement and optimization solutions help advertisers make informed decisions and improve campaign performance.

 VideoAmp's platform provides end-to-end solutions that equips advertisers and publishers with the tools and insights they need to streamline their advertising workflow for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

