Marketing Report
[Vacancies] MeMo² is looking for a Python Developer for Automatization (Part-time)

[Vacancies] MeMo² is looking for a Python Developer for Automatization (Part-time)

MeMo² is directly looking for a:

Python Developer for Automatization (Part-time)

At MeMo², many daily processes are currently conducted manually, such as data analyses in SPSS and Excel. Performing these tasks increases error sensitivity and slows down productivity.

Therefore we are looking for a Python developer to create tools that automate these manual processes. In particular, in this position you would design and develop tools and automatization pipelines for marketing research data, as well as an internal toolbox website for MeMo²’s marketing researchers.


  • Skilled Python developer
  • Knowledge of Python libraries for data science and web development (NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Django)
  • Technical background is preferred but not required (student of HBO-ICT, or technical BSc./MSc. Computer science, informatics, or something similar)
  • Basic knowledge of Linux
  • Knowledge of other programming languages (PHP, JavaScript, etc.) is a plus
  • Good team worker
  • A portfolio of earlier projects/GitHub page on the CV will be appreciated



  • Part-time (min. 16-24 hours per week; working hours can be flexibly determined).
  • As Python developer at MeMo² you will work in the innovation team of the company, i.e. regularly new innovative projects will be explored
  • Get freedom to develop and experiment with new ideas to innovate data analysis



Send your CV and motivation letter to For more information, contact Nadine Werner & Tim Koekkoek on telophone number +31 20 6794736. Apply for this job here.
