Marketing Report
UK Government launches Online Advertising Programme consultation

UK Government launches Online Advertising Programme consultation

The Government has published its Online Advertising Programme (OAP) consultation, reviewing how digital advertising is regulated in the UK, while also announcing that scam ads will be included in the scope of the Online Safety Bill

Running for 12 weeks until 1 June 2022, the OAP consultation will review the regulatory framework of paid-for online advertising and consider how it can build on existing and emerging aspects of the self-regulatory framework to, as the Government says, “equip our regulators to meet the challenges of the online sphere”. The proposals are intended to address both ‘illegal and legal harm’s created by online advertising and include measures aimed at advertisers, intermediaries, platforms and publishers.

The launch of the consultation comes as the Government also announces that scam ads - a key focus for the OAP - will be included in the scope of the Online Safety Bill.

Jon Mew, CEO, Internet Advertising Bureau UK:  “As DCMS launches its consultation on the Online Advertising Programme (OAP) we welcome the opportunity to contribute to the development of a future regulatory framework for digital advertising through an evidence-led process that builds on the strong industry standards and initiatives already in place.

Together with government, regulators and law enforcement bodies, the UK digital advertising industry wants to play its part in restricting, detecting and disrupting scam ads. However, the regulatory coherence that we believe the OAP can deliver on this and other issues is undermined by provisions on ‘fraudulent advertising’ being added to the Online Safety Bill (OSB). The decision to duplicate the focus on scam ads across both programmes creates unnecessary regulatory fragmentation and risks constraining proper policy development.

To announce legislative changes on the same day as launching such a wide-ranging consultation on the sector undermines the purpose of the OAP and could pre-empt its outcomes. The Government has said that the OAP will aim to holistically review digital ad regulation and consider a range of potential policy responses. Today’s announcement makes that process more difficult.

We are also concerned that the widened scope of the OSB has not been subject to industry consultation and that it could have unintended consequences for legitimate advertisers - particularly small businesses - if it is applied across the board.

The approach set out today seems at odds with the principles set out in the Government’s Plan for Digital Regulation, which emphasises the importance of drawing on industry expertise to develop effective regulation, and of a coherent and streamlined regulatory landscape.“
