Marketing Report
Targetspot launches a new division dedicated to audio advertising innovation within Gaming and In-App environments

Targetspot launches a new division dedicated to audio advertising innovation within Gaming and In-App environments

Targetspot recently announced the launch of Targetplay, the new Gaming, In-App and innovation division within Targetspot.

Targetplay is dedicated to building upon and growing the gaming and in-app advertising category within audio advertising. It will do this by maintaining and establishing partnerships with existing vendors like Audiomob, Odeeo and Aequus while investigating and building propriety technology where, and if, appropriate.

Targetplay will be led by UK Country Director, Adam Pattison who will take on the role of Global Head of Targetplay in addition to his existing role.

Adam Pattison, Global Head, Targetplay: “Gaming and in-app environments offer really exciting opportunities for all advertisers. Brands with an established audio strategy will be attracted to the new, incremental, and highly engaged audience reach the medium provides. Those brands newer to audio or without an existing audio strategy will find interesting new advertising formats that help bridge the gap between audio and visual media.”

Gamesforum is an event focussed on the developer and AdTech community and Pattison is keen to stress the benefits of audio to both developers and in-app advertising networks.

Adam: “Audio advertising has long been dominated by brand advertising and this is a source of revenue that historically, gaming developers and networks have struggled to tap into. Audio offers them a route into these brands with the added benefit of offering an ad unit that does not intrude upon the gamer experience in the way video and display can.”

The main goal of Targetplay is to offer new advertiser and publisher opportunities within the Gaming and In-App ecosystem. But it will also serve as an innovation hub within Targetspot where new advertising formats and attribution technology will work hand in hand to bring audio into the performance space. Targetspot GM, Mario Cabanas is excited by where this will lead.

Mario Cabanas, General Manager, Targetspot: “Targetspot was always a pioneer in the audio industry and with this division we maintain our vision of opening new possibilities in the audio advertising industry. Performance advertising within the app economy is a $120bn industry and we see no reason why audio cannot offer alternative means of consumer engagement performance.” 

Finally, the growth of VR and immersive environments will also form a focus of the division with Cabanas energised by the opportunities ahead.

Mario: “We see audio as uniquely positioned to benefit from innovation within Web 3.0. Audio presents the perfect complement to an immersive environment, and Targetplay by Targetspot is actively pursuing opportunities in this space. We are very excited to see what comes from this and where it will lead.”

