Marketing Report
Swiss startup Meeting Minutes enters the US market amid high demand

Swiss startup Meeting Minutes enters the US market amid high demand

Meeting Minutes, a pioneering enterprise platform designed to revolutionize the way companies handle internal meetings, has announced its official launch in the US. This expansion follows a highly successful rollout across Europe,  which has driven growing demand from American businesses eager to optimize their meeting processes and make data-driven decisions.

Meeting Minutes' platform offers a suite of cutting-edge features aimed at reducing the frequency and duration of internal meetings. The platform provides comprehensive meeting analytics, highlights top time-consuming meetings, calculates meeting costs, and much more. By utilizing Meeting Minutes, companies can streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Jedidja Rittri, Founder, Meeting Minutes: "We are thrilled to bring Meeting Minutes to the US market. The positive feedback and high demand from our European clients have validated the need for our platform. American companies are now ready to benefit from our innovative solution that not only reduces unnecessary meetings but also provides valuable insights to drive efficiency and productivity."

Key features of the Meeting Minutes platform include:

  • Meeting Analytics: Detailed insights into meeting frequency, duration, and participant engagement.
  • Cost Calculations: Clear visibility into the financial impact of meetings.
  • Time Management: Identification of the most time-consuming meetings to help optimize schedules.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Actionable data to support strategic decision-making and operational improvements.


As part of its US launch, Meeting Minutes is offering a free trial period for new customers, allowing American businesses to experience firsthand the transformative impact of the platform.
