Marketing Report
[Startup Interview] Noel Wilson, Lars Evers, Founders, Jellow, Netherlands

[Startup Interview] Noel Wilson, Lars Evers, Founders, Jellow, Netherlands

Jellow is an on-demand freelance startup that seeks to connect companies with freelancers directly eliminating the hustle  that comes with using intermediaries. The startup’s founders Noel Wilson and Lars Evers explain.

Briefly introduce your startup

Jellow is a user-friendly on demand freelance platform of the Netherlands and Belgium. Our goal is to make it as easy and efficient as possible for companies and freelancers to connect. Companies can find the most suitable freelancer for their assignments within 1 minute themselves, without the help of intermediaries.

Who founded Jellow and what are their professional backgrounds?

The startup was started by Noel Wilson & Lars Evers

Noel started his career at ING Barings and managed several national and international smaller to mid-sized software companies.

Lars worked as an executive in sports (FC Groningen), banking (ABN AMRO) and at an high end intermediair (Boer & Croon).

They wanted to shake up the world of freelance that has been dominated by big intermediaries for decades.

They created an easy to use platform including a great network of freelancers in the Netherlands. All companies (excluding intermediairs) are able to find freelancers themselves in a fast and easy way without using intermediairs.

Where is your company located?

Our offices are located at HQ; Nieuwe Haven 25, Naarden, Netherlands + North: Lübeckweg 2, Groningen | HQ Belgium: Kardinaal Mercierplein 2, 2800 Mechelen, België | HQ in Ireland is not settled yet.

How is Jellow financed?

It's fully financed by the founders and Mediahuis

What in your opinion are the dynamics that have shaped your area of operation?

Big intermediaries and brokers dominate the market. The freelance market is growing rapidly and employers are looking for alternatives to better find and attract freelancers themselves.

Why did you start Jellow? What opportunities did you see?

We saw companies spend lots of money on intermediaries. Meanwhile we saw that intermediaries’ were not delivering value for money. There was not a good alternative for companies and freelancers to switch to.

What problems does Jellow seek to solve?

We enable companies to find freelancers themselves in a fast and easy way. Because of Jellow they don't have to use expensive intermediaries anymore.

This saves time and money and creates a great marketing opportunity in the growing market of temporary labour.

What gives Jellow competitive edge?

Connecting companies and freelancers directly without 'someone in between'.

No one pays margins on the hourly rates of freelancers and  companies can build their own freelance pools

Who are your customers?


CEO's/Department Manager/HR manager/Purchasing Manager/Recruiter/ of SMEs

 Corporate light, Business services, NL/BE,

Notable among them include Nationale Nederlanden, T-mobile, Mediahuis, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


HBO/WO, Business services: IT, development, marketing, design, sales, hr, finance, management approximately 25-50 years old.

What does Jellow need in order to grow?

We need employers to know that there is an alternative and to make them feel comfortable using it.

What is your growth strategy?

Our strategy is to keep our customers happy and make them ambassadors of our platform. We are going to build a long term relationship and make sure that they will stay with us longer and recommend us to others. We are also going to increase our marketing spend and expand our team.

In which markets are you looking to establish your presence?

For now: Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland.

What are your plans for the coming 12 months?

We are aiming on a growth number of 100% this year. We are expanding to Ireland and are going to focus on a new target group; corporate lights (companies with 200 - 1500 employees).



This is an entry for the Dutch Startup Competition 2021

Read about the Dutch Startup Competition and how to participate here
