Marketing Report
Roku and Instacart partner to pair TV streaming and online grocery delivery for marketers

Roku and Instacart partner to pair TV streaming and online grocery delivery for marketers

Roku has announced a partnership with Instacart to help consumer-packaged goods (CPG) advertisers make TV advertising more relevant and performance-driven across the entire streamer’s journey.

 Across select pilot partners, results showed that on average, people who saw the ad on the Roku platform purchased more of the advertised products on Instacart versus the average customer.

The partnership brings together viewership data from Roku, the TV streaming platform in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, and insights from Instacart, the grocery technology company in North America, for marketers to measure whether streamers are purchasing products on Instacart after seeing an ad on the Roku platform. By matching this data with Roku’s first-party data, marketers can quantify the impact of TV streaming advertising on product sales – while keeping customer data from Instacart and Roku secure.

In a pilot with a personal care brand, 60% of those who purchased the brand after seeing its campaign on the Roku platform were new to the brand. Also, those who were exposed to a beverage brand’s Roku campaign and were new purchasers of the brand had a 70% higher repeat rate than the average new-to-the-beverage-brand buyer on Instacart*.

The relationship will help accelerate the shift of ad dollars into streaming TV and retail media. Just as more people have started streaming TV over the last year, more now rely on online grocery delivery. Today, Instacart is available to over 95% of households in the U.S. and Canada. Time spent with TV streaming is also growing – Nielsen reports that in July 2022, time spent streaming TV was larger than broadcast or cable for the first time.

Alison Levin, Vice President of Ad Revenue and Marketing Solutions, Roku: “Our goal is to help marketers get more of what they love in TV. Our partnership with Instacart makes it easier to measure actual return on advertising spend in e-commerce and meet consumers where they are – streaming TV.”

The new capability represents Instacart’s first TV streaming measurement partnership and will offer advertisers consumer purchase insights from its Marketplace, which includes more than 1,100 retail banners and more than 80,000 stores in North America. With Instacart Ads, thousands of CPG brands – from category leaders to emerging brands – partner with the company to connect directly with consumers online, right at the point of purchase.

Ali Miller, Vice President of Ads Product, Instacart: “With Instacart Ads, we're committed to providing CPG brands with the ad products, automation, insights, and measurement they need to help them meet their objectives and prove the impact of their investment. We’re proud to partner with America’s #1 TV streaming platform, Roku, to give CPG brands even more insights to help them enhance and optimize their campaigns across streaming TV. As we look ahead, we’ll continue investing in integrations and insights across every touchpoint of the consumer journey to help CPGs drive and measure results.”

This partnership expands Roku’s efforts to partner with commerce and retail leaders to provide first-of-their-kind full-funnel solutions that will provide greater accountability in TV streaming. With the addition of Instacart, advertisers can access even more e-commerce data from grocers and drug stores, alcoholic beverages, apparel, beauty, home and office, and pet care products.

