Marketing Report
Outbrain launches a branding platform built to maximize attention

Outbrain launches a branding platform built to maximize attention

Outbrain Inc. has announced Onyx by Outbrain™, a new branding platform designed to maximize business impact of awareness and consideration campaigns. Onyx runs exclusively within dedicated, in-article environments across Outbrain’s premium publisher partners.

Onyx is designed to meet brand objectives and deliver value beyond traditional ‘ad views’ by leveraging Outbrain’s +15 years of technology built to predict user engagement through AI. Onyx features custom large ad formats designed to drive high attention from contextual Pre-Roll Video and High-Impact Display experiences. Initial launch partners include Ford via Xaxis among other brands across the automotive, tech, retail, health, and CPG categories.

Launched in partnership with Adelaide, a leader in the rapidly growing field of attention-based media quality measurement, Onyx aims to increase campaign effectiveness and ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) for enterprise brands and agencies.

David Kostman, Co-CEO, Outbrain: “Onyx is part of our long-term strategy to become a full-funnel marketing partner, significantly growing our business with enterprise brands and agencies. Onyx delivers a unique opportunity for advertisers to win real attention and drive business impact while benefiting our publisher partners with incremental revenue vital to sustain free and independent journalism.”

According to Adelaide, initial findings showed that Onyx units outperformed their benchmarks for display and rich media formats across all device types by 26%. Onyx units also scored 53% higher than standard mobile banners and exceeded mobile rich media formats by 20.1%. Assessment of Adelaide’s attention metric (AU) at the domain level revealed that top-performing Onyx placements surpassed format averages by more than 15%, highlighting a significant opportunity for AU-based optimization across sites and placements.

Marc Guldimann, Founder & CEO, Adelaide: “We are pleased to partner with Outbrain and empower marketers to run advertising more effectively by focusing on attention metrics. Onyx’s combination of high attention placements and engaging ad formats is a promising recipe for marketers seeking to maximize brand impact of display and video campaigns with AU on premium publishers across the open web.”

Onyx is now available for enterprise brands and agencies in the US, UK, Germany, France, and Italy and will be launched in other markets later this year.
