Marketing Report
Lower DSP Ad Cost and Complexity with Adcombi Suite: A simplified DSP dashboard with no minimum spend

Lower DSP Ad Cost and Complexity with Adcombi Suite: A simplified DSP dashboard with no minimum spend

Demand-Side Platforms (DSP) offer advertisers access to premium inventory not available on Google Display Network.

Yet, with high minimum spend, fees, and sometimes CPM thresholds, many small advertisers simply don’t meet the requirements set by DSPs. Larger DSPs have more to offer in terms of ad exchanges and networks, technology, tools, and settings. Yet, those DSPs remain largely out of reach for smaller advertisers.

That’s why Adcombi offers a self-service DSP access platform for our clients. You create an account, log in with our DSP access, and buy ads. With no minimum CPM and no minimum spend, you can benefit from a DSP, without committing to an out-of-reach budget.

Why Use Demand-Side Platforms?

Google Display Network is the “go-to” for much of the web. With some 2 million partner websites, Google ads display on 0.3% of all websites. That’s a lot. But, DSPs typically access many of those same websites through ad exchanges, including GDN, plus additional networks. So, DSPs offer significantly larger reach. Moreover, DSPs have access to premium inventory not available via GDN. This is largely because DSPs offer “first look” inventory. GDN primarily offers “rest” inventory, which is everything left after DSP users have purchased impressions.

If you’re using Google Ads, DV360, or Google Ad Manager, Google takes an average 31% as a fee. While GDN is free to access and doesn’t have spend limits, you’re still paying heavily for what you do use. That’s quite often a bad thing, considering premium ad inventory is more and more frequently only available through DSPs. This development leaves Google Display Network users with inventory on a large number of unknown websites – which ultimately reduces its value to the advertiser.

Here are some of the advantages of using a DSP

Access to more websites and more premium inventory, including high-end sites

The ability to reach lateral and bilateral audiences or target audience + other audiences

Similar but typically more nuanced controls (e.g., whitelisting, blacklisting, greater frequency capping, retargeting across multiple exchanges, behavioral profiling) for better targeting

Real-time data triggers to update ads based on real-world events like weather, stock market, etc.

3rd party integrations for data to improve ad relevance

Access to rich media advertising such as lightboxes, homepage takeover, etc.

Direct access to publishers, so you can skip the RTB auction in Google Display Network to directly advertise on a channel. This isn’t necessarily cheaper, but it will allow you to set up deals with publishers that hold interesting / desired inventory for your client.

Many of the largest DSPs offering these advantageous features also set high thresholds for advertisers. Some DSPs require advertisers to commit to spending $20,000-$50,000 per month. Others charge monthly fees whether or not you run ads, with some not breaking even over GDN until you’ve spent $5k-$10k, meaning they effectively have a minimum spend. This is where the Adcombi Suite comes in handy.

Connecting to a DSP with Adcombi Suite

Adcombi’s Suite tool offers our clients direct access to our DSP, Adform. When clients onboard, we offer access to their own advertising space in our platform. You log in, access data segments from Adform, build your own ads in your own creative space, and bid on inventory. Our software communicates that directly to Adform, using our account. You get full access to Adform, without the minimums and without taking on the full weight of the fees yourself. While our platform is simplified, this means it offers a lower learning curve, while still supporting complex campaign requirements.

Your own login and creative space

Your own ads, campaigns, and targets

Full access to Adform data

While Adcombi Suite is often used by small businesses, it’s also useful for larger companies that don’t yet have a DSP. For example, if you traditionally market on Google Display Network and television but want to expand, moving to Adcombi can allow you to explore DSP possibilities in a simple, usable environment, and without high startup costs.

Management – Adcombi is always here to help our clients build and send ads. While we won’t necessarily build campaigns for you, we offer a full suite of tools including campaign management software to make programmatic as easy and as profitable as possible. Of course, we also offer full campaign management if you prefer that instead.

API – Adcombi Suite supports API integrations, allowing users to connect Adcombi technology to their own accounts and platforms.

Connecting NoBears to DSP

NoBears is an advertising agency delivering creative design, venture building, and digital engineering to clients. While already large, the brand was working with GDN and social media ads. We onboarded them to deliver access to our DSP, including our full network. Today, NoBears leverages Adcombi Suite to deliver DSP opportunities to their clients. With clients ranging in size and budget, NoBears spends anywhere from nothing to thousands of Euros each month. But, with no monthly fees and no minimum spend, they can easily scale up and down to meet client needs. We don’t charge until ads are running.

NoBears has full access to our reporting tool, AdStats. This tool exports data directly to PDF, which NoBears can send to clients. And when they or clients need changes, more management, or other services, Adcombi is here to help with a full range of offerings.

Adcombi Suite offers a low learning curve, easy access to premium DSP inventory, and no maximum spend or fees. We’re upfront about what we charge (Discuss it with us), and you’ll never be billed unless you run a campaign. It’s that easy.

If you’re looking into working with a DSP, consider contacting Adcombi to see if Adcombi Suite is the right solution for your needs.

