Marketing Report
LiveRamp announces identity integration with AWS to increase marketing interoperability

LiveRamp announces identity integration with AWS to increase marketing interoperability

LiveRamp, a player in data collaboration, has launched its new partner solution for AWS Entity Resolution by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

LiveRamp’s  identity resolution capabilities now support additional identifier types and are available natively within AWS Entity Resolution.

With this integration, marketers, publishers, tech platforms, and agencies can extend interoperability of data in the cloud to marketing and advertising destinations using RampID™, LiveRamp’s durable, privacy-centric identifier connecting clients to the digital and martech ecosystem.

Recently launched at AWS New York Summit, AWS Entity Resolution helps companies easily match, link, and enhance related records across applications, channels, and data stores. Customers can get started in minutes using easy-to-configure entity resolution workflows from AWS that are flexible, scalable, and can seamlessly connect to their applications and data service providers.

 AWS Entity Resolution offers advanced matching techniques such as rule-based, machine learning (ML)-powered, and data service provider-led matching, to help customers more accurately link and enhance related records of customer information, product codes, or business data codes.

Josh Peters, Head of Global Commercial Data Strategy, Partnerships, and Governance, Washington Post: “The Washington Post delivers and fosters engagement around politics and culture. LiveRamp’s integration with AWS Entity Resolution is an exciting marketing enhancement that will enable us to bring experiences to our audiences in a data-driven way. Enhancing the data solutions in our cloud environment is critical for us to better reach and engage our audiences and securely collaborate with partners.”

LiveRamp’s enhanced identity resolution solutions are designed to consolidate all common identifiers into a stable, pseudonymous key available directly within a client’s AWS cloud environment. By integrating these capabilities into AWS Entity Resolution, data and operations teams gain a no-code solution to enhance collaboration, activation and media measurement while streamlining cloud data operations. LiveRamp also increases connectivity to the wider media landscape by providing the ability to connect person and household-based audiences to hundreds of media destinations with enhanced scale.

RampID can accelerate critical marketing data operations with other native AWS services. It supports and enhances cross-channel media measurement workflows in AWS data lakes, media collaboration in AWS Clean Room collaborations, and artificial intelligence (AI) model development with Amazon SageMaker. RampID also helps brand marketers enrich their cloud data infrastructure by unlocking more granular insights about their customers.

Erin Boelkens, VP of Product, LiveRamp: “AWS Entity Resolution helps brands connect and enhance their customer records safely and efficiently with more precise results. Now data teams can quickly scale their future-ready AWS marketing stack by integrating media analytics, AI, and partner data collaboration, enhanced by LiveRamp’s identity and connectivity in the cloud and beyond.”


