Marketing Report
Kevel Launches Ad Platform Academy to help publishers launch ads

Kevel Launches Ad Platform Academy to help publishers launch ads

Kevel an ad API infrastructure platform used to build custom ad platforms, has launched an Ad Platform Academy to aid ad publishers in quickly and effectively launching their ad businesses. This academy consists of guides, templates, educational videos, and more, to guide companies launching their own ad business.

Kevel enables businesses to build walled garden ad solutions that rival ad platform monopolies like Google, Amazon, and Walmart. This academy is a continuation of that goal. By equipping companies with both ad APIs to build their platform and the business insights needed to grow it, Kevel helps any company effectively monetize its digital properties.

Chris Shuptrine, VP of Marketing, Kevel: "Our Ad Academy is for all companies aspiring to launch their own ad platform, whether or not they're our customers. There's a lack of industry knowledge around building out an ad business. The Academy will bridge that gap so companies have a dedicated resource on topics like getting advertisers, running ads effectively, and driving high-margin revenue.”

