Marketing Report
Havas Group unveils sovereign technologies to tackle challenges of accelerated innovations

Havas Group unveils sovereign technologies to tackle challenges of accelerated innovations

To meet the challenges raised by the acceleration of innovation and to inject meaning into the core of technological projects, Havas Group has launched Havas Sovereign Technologies.

Havas Sovereign Technologies offers its clients end-to-end support in appropriating innovations, protecting their reputation and mitigating the risks associated with new technologies.

This new platform includes the Havas Blockchain offer, which will continue to support innovative companies on the blockchain technology front, as well as a new series of offers to provide 360° support on all subjects related to sovereign technologies.

This approach is based on four pillars:

  • Expertise in technological intelligence
  • Strategic consulting in digital governance
  • Deployment of digital infrastructures
  • Global communication support.

Because the field of technological innovation is open to all and because crises spare no one, Havas Sovereign Technologies offers its expertise to companies and start-ups, but also to public institutions and non-governmental organizations.

Fabien Aufrechter, Director, Havas Blockchain: "This evolution comes at an opportune time. The technological leap of the last five years has turned digital sovereignty from a purely technological issue into a real strategic challenge. The issues of innovation, trust and technological security have become inescapable for both public and private players. With its expert and agile approach, Havas Sovereign Technologies will accompany brands and institutions in their quest to no longer offer 'just technology' but 'the right technology."
