Marketing Report
[eMarketer] What digitally savvy Gen Z consumers expect from brands

[eMarketer] What digitally savvy Gen Z consumers expect from brands

Digital habits were supercharged through the pandemic. For those who had been around digital for much of their lives, however, the suddenly crowded digital ecosystem became a smorgasbord for them to snack on. And younger, more digital generations appear to be quite picky.

High digital expectations could limit some behaviors in younger generations. For example, 43% of Gen Z fashion shoppers said they had shopped mostly or always online in the past six months, according to June 2021 findings from Think with Google and Trinity McQueen.

This was the highest proportion across generations. However, only 48% said they would maintain that behavior in the next six months—a delta of 5 percentage points. The share of millennials who said the same was 39% and 57%, respectively, an increase of nearly 20 percentage points.

According to eMarketer, it seems that brands won’t pass the Gen Z sniff test just by “being digital.” Being digital goes hand in hand with being engaging and meeting Gen Z where it’s at.

Read the full eMarketer article here
