Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Western Europe’s direct selling space on an upward trajectory

[eMarketer] Western Europe’s direct selling space on an upward trajectory

The boom in direct-to consumer, D2C, entities has caught global attention especially in Europe where pioneers like beauty company Glossier, mattress companies Casper and Emma and luggage maker away have recorded resounding success in this space according to eMarketer.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has further jolted the D2C into prosperity due to prevailing market conditions as is the case with other digital retail trends.

Direct purchasing a phenomenal growth in the coronavirus era with 67 per cent of marketing and communication professionals in Spain surveyed by digital agency Good Rebels indicating that they had more control and understanding of user data thanks to direct selling. Another 57 per cent indicated that these direct sales allowed them more chances to personalize customer experience.

Acording to late 2020 statistics from The Direct Selling Association of UK, member countries were able to record average growth in sales of 45.5 per cent for the year to date thanks to direct selling.

Web analytics services platform SimilarWeb noted that discretionary spending bolstered UK’s direct-to consumer companies, particularly those in lifestyle and hobbies categories, when the country went into first lockdown.


Read the full eMarketer article here


