Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Shopify scales global e commerce operations with innovative tools

[eMarketer] Shopify scales global e commerce operations with innovative tools

Shopify is scaling up its international ecommerce operations with two recent developments:

The ecommerce giant unveiled Shopify Markets, a “global ecommerce hub” that will handle currency conversion, language translation, and more for merchants looking to open their business to foreign markets.

It made an investment in and struck a multiyear partnership with Yotpo, a marketing service that handles direct-to-consumer (D2C) marketing like SMS, referrals, emails, and more for digital brands. Yotpo said it will focus on accelerating product development and growth following the Shopify deals.

 eMarketer posits that cross-border commerce slowed considerably in the past year and a half as consumers directed their attention to local businesses to help them weather the pandemic, and as supply chain shortages hampered international business operations. But the opportunity is still large—and growing.

Shopify gets a large portion of its business from international shoppers: The company said that more than 27% of store traffic in July 2021 came from outside the US.

Read the full eMarketer article here
