Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Privacy the leading factor in social ad engagement

[eMarketer] Privacy the leading factor in social ad engagement

For more than half of US social media users, a platform’s privacy and data practices are extremely impactful on their decision to engage with ads on that platform.

Other top influences on ad engagement are reliable content and safety. The relevance of the ads themselves is less of a factor.

eMarketer is of the opinion that the emphasis on reliable content is good news for Pinterest, which scored highest in this category and overall in its 2022 Digital Trust Benchmark study of major social platforms, overtaking the 2021 leader, LinkedIn. And Pinterest has leaned into this strength in recent ad campaigns.

Still, just 30% of Pinterest users agreed or strongly agreed it protects their privacy and data; that figure is even lower for almost every other platform. Across the board, social media apps have a long way to go before users feel protected.

Read the full eMarketer article here

