Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Mobile advertising is still king

[eMarketer] Mobile advertising is still king

Mobile advertising is by far the preferred destination for digital ad spending in the US, just as it is everywhere else. However, mobile’s ever-accelerating domination of the digital ad market appears to finally be leveling off.

After seizing large chunks of the market from nonmobile options every year since 2016, mobile will see its share of the pie settle in at roughly 68% for the rest of our forecast period (through 2023).

eMarketer posits that the emerging popularity of connected TV (CTV) advertising is the primary reason nonmobile ad spending is no longer losing share. Even so, every single industry in the US will spend the majority of its digital ad budget on mobile this year, as usual, with the lowest share being 57.1% and the highest being 76.5%. CTV’s time is coming, but clearly mobile still rules the digital roost.

Five industries will devote more than 70% of their digital ad budget to mobile. Led by entertainment, these industries—including computing products and consumer electronics, CPG, financial services, and telecom—will all continue to spend a greater share on mobile than the national average. Entertainment will also grow its mobile spend the quickest this year, by 37.5%.

Read the full eMarketer article here
