Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Latin America’s retail ecommerce sales move to mobile devices

[eMarketer] Latin America’s retail ecommerce sales move to mobile devices

From 2016 to 2019, mobile’s share of retail ecommerce sales in Latin America about doubled from 20.9% to 40.2%.

Next year, over (51.1%) of retail ecommerce sales in Latin America will take place on mobile devices for the first time—a figure equal to $75.65 billion.

According to eMarketer, 2021 will be another year of strong double-digit gains for Latin America’s mcommerce market, with Brazil in the No. 1 spot (34.9%), Mexico in third (31.7%), and Argentina in fourth (30.6%).

Brazil and Mexico will be the region’s two largest retail mcommerce markets, representing 57.7% of all retail mcommerce sales in Latin America this year.

Brazil alone will represent nearly one-third (32.5%) of retail mcommerce sales, at $20.84 billion (BRL107.45 billion), while Mexico will account for over a quarter (25.2%) of sales, at $16.15 billion (MXN351.62 billion).

Argentina will contribute 10.0% of regional mcommerce sales in 2021, or $6.38 billion (ARS488.70 billion), but its share will fall to 8.4% in 2025 due to the country’s current economic situation.

Read the full eMarketer article here



