Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Google aims to beat OpenAI with chat and search bot features

[eMarketer] Google aims to beat OpenAI with chat and search bot features

Google is testing generative AI prototypes for launches this year.

As part of its “code red” response to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, the tech giant’s Atlas project has a chatbot called Apprentice Bard that it’s testing in a Q&A format with employees, per Insider.

Apprentice Bard is based on Google’s LaMDA model, which a former company engineer thought was sentient.

The chatbot looks similar to ChatGPT but also provides answers that incorporate current events.

There’s no release date for these products, and a Google spokesperson said that the company wants to ensure that the tech is helpful and safe before sharing externally.

Products like Google’s and OpenAI’s are part of a watershed moment for AI that’s risking turbulence for society, like further spread of misinformation, bias, and educational disruption.

According to eMarketer, technology is being positioned as at least a partial replacement for human intelligence, and it might not be up to the task.

Read the full eMarketer article here

