Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Facebook hit 2 billion users, but growth is slowing

[eMarketer] Facebook hit 2 billion users, but growth is slowing

Facebook passed 2 billion users worldwide in 2021 and is poised to hit 2.10 billion by the end of this year. But despite boasting a massive user base, growth on the platform declined dramatically in 2021 and will slow to a trickle in years to come.

Facebook added about 96 million users worldwide in 2021, making last year the first time the social network failed to add over 100 million users.

In 2021, growth was fastest in the Middle East and Africa (8.0%) and in the Asia Pacific regions (7.1%) as an increase in internet users led to an increase in Facebook users. Facebook's growth was slowest in North America (0.7%) and Europe (1.4%).

2022 will mark the highest level of Facebook internet user penetration worldwide before internet user growth starts to outpace Facebook growth.

eMarketer posits that Facebook's days of viral growth are long gone. The app will see a trickle of new users in the tens of thousands range through 2025. Despite this, parent company Meta is continuing to reimagine what its platform can look like, moving away from growing out Facebook and toward building the metaverse.

Read the full eMarketer article here
