Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Ecommerce shoppers are moving to mobile

[eMarketer] Ecommerce shoppers are moving to mobile

US retail ecommerce sales will exceed $1 trillion for the first time this year as the flexibility and convenience customers found during the pandemic sticks. Spend shifting online will drive double-digit ecommerce spending growth:

Average spend per digital buyer will grow at an 11.6% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2022 and 2025 to reach nearly $7,000, versus a 1.9% CAGR for the number of total digital buyers.

eMarketer posits that while ecommerce volume will continue growing across channels, it will do so at uneven rates:

Desktop and laptop retail ecommerce growth will decelerate as the segment bleeds share. Growth in this segment will lag ecommerce overall through 2025.

Instead, customers will buy more on mobile, which will exceed 4 in 10 retail ecommerce dollars for the first time this year. Rising time spent on mobile will trickle into shopping. The biggest beneficiary will be smartphones, which will make up 85.0% of mcommerce sales this year.

Read the full eMarketer article here
