Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Amazon dominates US eCommerce

[eMarketer] Amazon dominates US eCommerce

Amazon’s US ecommerce sales will grow by 15.3% this year to $367.19 billion after a meteoric 44.1% rise in sales during 2020. This is according to new data from eMarketer. 

The data shows that ecommerce sales at many of Amazon’s competitors—including Walmart and Target—are growing faster, but Amazon’s sales are still growing faster than the overall market. Its share of US ecommerce sales will increase from 39.8% in 2020 to 40.4% in 2021, and at a gain of 0.6 percentage points, this growth will be larger than that of any other company this year.

Before the pandemic, eMarketer estimated that Amazon’s US sales would grow 17.2% to reach $260.86 billion in 2020. Instead, they grew 44.1%, reaching $318.41 billion. eMarketer's pre-pandemic estimates had Amazon growing 15.9% to $302.36 billion this year.  It now expected to grow 15.3%, reaching $367.19 billion, an upward revision of more than $64 billion.

Read the full eMarketer article here

