Marketing Report
Demandbase delivers account-based advertising for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube

Demandbase delivers account-based advertising for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube

Demandbase, the B2B go-to-market player, has broken ground with new Audience Management Destinations for Demandbase One that bring the power of account intelligence to social advertising.

 B2B marketers will be able to reach account-based targets on traditionally consumer platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Bing, and Adobe, as well as an expanded integration with LinkedIn.

This new functionality is yet another way Demandbase enables marketers to personalize the buying experience, recognizing that members of an account-based buying committee are individuals, as well as business professionals. Today's announcement is part of Demandbase's mission to transform how B2B companies go to market, with Demandbase One as the essential orchestration hub.

Jon Miller, chief marketing and product officer, Demandbase: "We're constantly learning about how the B2B buyer thinks and acts, and this new account-based social targeting functionality plays a role in reaching buyers more holistically. By viewing the buyer not just as someone within a target account or in a buying committee, we recognize that buyers are individuals, too. This mindset shift — and the corresponding ability to engage with them as such across business and social platforms — gives our customers yet another advantage in today's B2B go-to-market landscape."

Demandbase's new Destinations will enable customers to use selectors, first-party data, third-party data, intent, technographics, activities and more to define an audience in Demandbase, then specifically target those buyers across the business and social web. The end result is a highly consistent customer experience across social networks and other platforms.

Demandbase is the only solution that lets you run people and account-based plays from one system. You can target a precise audience through our segmentation and data orchestration engine, then automatically apply the most effective sales and marketing tactics to advance the account in its journey, across every touchpoint and with the most relevant messages.

For example, you will be able to target in-market accounts with paid ads, and automatically add these accounts to an audience in the new people-based Destinations to ensure a consistent message to your target audiences on Facebook, Twitter, Google, or other channels — and all while adhering to privacy guidelines.

Oleg A. Solodyankin, CEO, Ignitium: "With the new integrations, we'll now be able to automatically orchestrate account-based experiences across all networks and platforms. We're looking forward to helping revenue teams drive more pipeline with Demandbase."

