Marketing Report
Consumers favor advertising more when viewed across different platforms, study

Consumers favor advertising more when viewed across different platforms, study

A new study by MAGNA Media Trials, MAGNA’s industry-leading proprietary research offering, in partnership with Spectrum Reach, the advertising sales business of Charter Communications, Inc., reveals that consumers are more likely to respond to advertising if they see it across different screens, with 41% of survey respondents claiming better recall when they had seen the same spot across linear, connected TV (CTV) and mobile devices.

The “Ad Mix Synergy: Myth or Reality?,” study explored the impact of advertising when viewed across single or multiple media screens, testing combinations of linear TV, CTV, and mobile for recall, retention, search intent and purchase intent. The study found that not only does a multiscreen approach increase ad attention and retention, it also increases purchase intent. Also, the order in which the various screens are employed also impacts ad effectiveness. For example, leading with linear TV on a cross-platform campaign lifted purchase intent by 25%, with streaming first and mobile hitting 14% and 4%, respectively.

Kara Manatt, EVP, Managing Director Intelligence Solutions, MAGNA: “The study confirmed that brands will do the best job telling their story when their spot is delivered across multiple screens. It also shows that, when possible, brands should plan the order in which ads are delivered across screens with a focus on casting the widest attention net in the first exposure.”

This same pattern held true for unaided brand awareness and search intent in a multiscreen buy. A linear-first approach lifted unaided brand awareness by 44%, with streaming first at 29% and mobile first at 26%. As for search intent, 21% of respondents responded positively to campaigns that were linear-first, with streaming at 11% and mobile at 7%.

Michael Guth, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Spectrum Reach: “The findings reaffirm what our customers have already recognized –  the importance of linear TV and power of multiscreen advertising to deliver full-funnel results.”

Additional findings from the study include:

Three forms of media are better than two, or one: Of the viewers who were exposed to three types of advertising, 81% of them agreed the message was clearly communicated, and 39% felt the ads had provided new information. Yet, these numbers are significantly lower when viewers were only shown one or two types.

The right combination of media is critical: Purchase intent increased 13% when the combination of CTV, linear TV, and mobile were all used. However, CTV seems to be the main driver as CTV and mobile increased intent by 11% and CTV-only increased intent by 10%.

Ad fatigue is real: Over 25% of viewers felt that they had seen “too much” of a brand when they were exposed to multiple ads on linear TV and CTV. Brands wanting to avoid this need to diversify their platforms, once they have exhausted the bigger-screen options.

“Ad Mix Synergy: Myth or Reality?” surveyed 1,684 people who qualified for the study based on natural media consumptions over one week. Panelists were randomized into test and control groups and took a brand lift survey to measure the KPIs.

The full study can be accessed here



