Marketing Report
CMOtalk and Embassy of Dutch Creativity join forces in Cannes

CMOtalk and Embassy of Dutch Creativity join forces in Cannes

During the upcoming edition of the Embassy of Dutch Creativity, CMOtalk is organizing a premium program aimed at top marketers and CMOs. The objective of the Cannes CMO Experience Masterclass is to stimulate participants with a strong substantive program and to get acquainted with national and worldwide top CMOs. The masterclass offers surprising speakers, interesting keynotes and entertainment. After two years, the international advertising festival will once again take place in Cannes from Monday 20 to Friday 24 June 2022.

First speakers announced

The first speakers of the Cannes CMO Experience Masterclass have been confirmed: consumer psychologist Dr. Cathrine BoydArjan Dijk, CMO of and  Raja Rajamannar, CMO of Mastercard.

Cathrine Boyd is affiliated with Anglia Ruskin University and focuses on the role of touch in product experience, multisensory perception, consumer decisions and aesthetic perception.

Arjan Dijk is CMO of is one of the internet's biggest success stories and a textbook example of digital innovation. In the current phase of the brand’s evolution, Arjan is leading the process to enrich the company’s data-driven integrated marketing efforts with an additional layer of inclusive, emotionally-led storytelling.

Raja Rajamannar is known for the Wall Street Journal bestseller “Quantum Marketing”. During his keynote, he will focus on multisensory branding and share with CMOs how the exponential speed of new technologies is changing marketing forever.

Klaas Weima, Founder, CMOtalk: “We are very happy with the commitment of Cathrine Boyd, Arjan Dijk and Raja Rajamannar as keynote speakers during the Cannes CMO Experience Masterclass. They are all seasoned professionals with their own view of the field. I am sure that these speakers will allow the participants to arrive at surprising, new insights.”

Cannes CMO Experience Masterclass

The three-day Cannes CMO Experience Masterclass is only open to senior marketing executives with relevant experience in marketing, communication and creativity. There are only 30 places available.

Klaas Weima: “During the Cannes CMO Experience Masterclass program we will explore together with our partner Adobe – literally and figuratively all the senses – and investigate the impact on effective marketing communication. It will be a unique experience to gain knowledge, be inspired and to maintain and expand your network as a CMO.”

Program aimed at top marketers

The ambition of the Embassy of Dutch Creativity and CMOtalk is to bring the Dutch creative industry and top marketers together and to promote them internationally, which is why it has been decided to collaborate with CMOtalk.

Kyra Roest, Initiator, the Embassy of Dutch Creativity: “The collaboration with a platform such as CMOtalk fits seamlessly with the ambition of our trade mission, because if there is one network that is relevant for CMOs, it is CMOtalk. We are very happy to be joining forces with CMOtalk in this as the Embassy of Dutch Creativity.”

Participation exclusively for CMOs

The Cannes CMO Experience Masterclass is only open to senior marketing executives with relevant experience in marketing, communication and creativity.

CMOtalk members pay €2,250, other participants pay €2,950.

The ticket includes a one-way and first-class TGV train ticket to Cannes, with a stopover in Paris. In addition, all meals, transport during the masterclasses and meetings are included in the ticket price. The participants must arrange and pay for a hotel stay and return journey themselves. Participants will receive unlimited access to the Embassy location on Boulevard de la Croisette in Cannes during the festival.

You can register for the Cannes CMO Experience Masterclass at:

