Marketing Report
Amazon advertising Demand Side Platform agency Clear Ads dominates DSP business UK

Amazon advertising Demand Side Platform agency Clear Ads dominates DSP business UK

Clear Ads, Amazon's advertising demand side platform agency is currently dominating the Demand Side Platform (DSP) business in the UK.

As part of an extensive rebrand, Amazon brought together its advertising capabilities (inclusive of AMS, AAP and AMG) under the new umbrella term, Amazon Advertising. Amazon Advertising is divided into two distinct segments: the Advertising Console and Amazon DSP. While the Advertising Console is focused on traditional PPC (pay-per-click) ads, Amazon DSP offers display ads and pay-per-impression ad options.

The demand side platform is a programmatic solution for online sellers to buy display, audio and video advertising. As defined by Wikipedia, DSP is a system that allows buyers of digital advertising inventory to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface.

Unlike Amazon's PPC ads, Amazon DSP is designed to reach audiences across Amazon's sites and apps (like IMDb) and leading publishers' sites. Utilizing Amazon DSP as a marketing strategy lets brands advertise to potential customers efficiently and effectively at scale. The advantage to this is advertisers can programmatically buy display and video ads using customer targeting data only available through Amazon. Having the capacity to retarget customers, Amazon DSP works to cover the whole advertising range (awareness, interest, consideration, intent, evaluation and purchase), increasing a seller's brand awareness for prospective and past customers.

Clear Ads has been successfully navigating the Amazon advertising platform with excellent results for clients. The company website provides case studies to highlight examples of client success that Clear Ads was able to achieve within a short amount of time.

The company states: "In the first month of case study one, we were able to promote all of this client's products and very quickly found products that generated a positive return on investment. We then accelerated the best selling products and managed to gain more than 10x the return back."

The company has an excellent track record demonstrating its team of Amazon DSP UK specialists knows what it takes to get Amazon advertising working harder and performing better to get more sales, more revenue and more significant profits. Clear Ads assures its clients can expect the following:

  • Utilizing Amazon Sponsored Ads to improve sales significantly.
  • Driving down aCoS for extreme cost-effectiveness.
  • Facilitating business growth by increasing sales and revenue.
  • Fully managed service, delivered by an expert Amazon advertising agency.
  • Flexible contracts, great value for money and results-focused approach.
  • A focus on ROI to measure performance.
  • No long-term contract and no expensive monthly commitment.


Clear Ads' advertising experts help vendors recognize their target audience, identify the best areas to place products and put together the right advert content to maximize product visibility and sales with the allocated budget. 

George Meressa, leading paid-advertising expert and founder of Clear Ads:  "If you already are an Amazon vendor or are just starting out, we will work with you to build a personalized campaign to increase your return on investment (ROI). If you are not happy with the work we provide, you can leave our service without getting tied down, and you know that we have to prove ourselves to you every three months.'' Meressa and his expert team work on a three-month rolling contract.

