Marketing Report
Advertising records double digit growth across all markets, study

Advertising records double digit growth across all markets, study

IAB Europe, the European-level industry association for the digital advertising and marketing ecosystem, has announced at its flagship conference Interact 2022 today that digital advertising grew 30.5% in 2021 to €92bn.

This exponential growth shows that the digital advertising market has truly bounced back from the challenges and impact of COVID-19.

2021 Digital Advertising Investment

Now in its sixth year, The AdEx Benchmark study is the definitive guide to advertising expenditure in Europe, covering 28 markets. In 2021, all markets experienced double-digit year-on-year growth. Turkey was the most dynamic market posting an exceptional growth of 99.7%. In 2021, no markets experienced a decline in digital advertising.

Audio and Video Post Strongest Growth

The study shows that audio saw the largest growth in 2021 at 51.3%. Whilst the audio market still remains small, it represents positive growth. Video also grew by an impressive 46.2% to €18.5bn. Meanwhile display grew by 34.5% to €45.6, with search experiencing a 29.9% increase to €39.5bn.

The full study can be accessed here
