Marketing Report
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline teams up with major US streamers to discuss mental health in new campaign

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline teams up with major US streamers to discuss mental health in new campaign

More and more young people are struggling with their mental health. Support and accessible professional help are essential to change this.

That is why there is 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. A free and anonymous helpline that all Americans can turn to for professional help.

To bring this to the attention of American gamers, 988 has launched a new gaming campaign which has been developed by The Invaders in collaboration with AFK.

It is quite normal to ask for help within games, but in real life, young people often find asking for 'support' more difficult. There is a stigma. To change this, we need to break the taboo and make mental health negotiable. We do this during Mental health awareness month together with the biggest streamer bringing gaming and mental health together: Dr K. Also known as the 'HealthyGamer'.

During a 988 sponsored stream tonight, Dr K. will discuss mental health with Ludwig (one of the biggest streamers at the moment). Together, they will make this topic discussable and tell viewers how the 988 Lifeline can help them too. On Monday 27 May, Dr K will host another sponsored stream in which Mizkif will be a guest.

This stream will be followed by an online campaign to ensure that 988's important message is spread appropriately throughout the gaming community.

Dr K.'s sponsored livestream can be watched live here tonight (22 May) from 7pm Dutch time via his Twitch kanaal.
