Marketing Report
36 per cent of TV audiences have interacted with shoppable ad QR Codes, study

36 per cent of TV audiences have interacted with shoppable ad QR Codes, study

What does the shoppable TV ad landscape look like in 2023? And in what ways are there more opportunities for marketers than ever before?

The Video Advertising Bureau (VAB) has examined those questions and more in its new report, Shortening the Path to Purchase: How new opportunities in Shoppable TV are igniting viewer engagement and brand performance.

Jason Wiese, Senior VP, Director of Strategic Insights, VAB: "As consumers' viewing habits and buying preferences continue to evolve towards digital experiences, more TV platforms are introducing ad formats featuring shoppable experiences to connect them directly to brands and stimulate conversions and sales. These interactive ad formats further enhance TV as a high-performance channel that ignites full-funnel outcomes while also providing marketers with innovative ways to increase engagement with customer prospects."

Among the insights outlined by and elaborated on in the report:

Viewers who interact with a shoppable ad are inherently more likely to then make a purchase. (Source: Aluma Insights)

Outside of purchases, viewers interact with different shoppable ad formats in various ways to further engage with, or learn about, brands and products. As examples: 36% of audiences have interacted with shoppable ad QR Codes, and 67% have interacted with the "click to receive info to your email or device" ad format.

Consumers show a clear interest in making purchases through shoppable ads on their TV set, indicating a ripe opportunity for brands.

Younger audiences are more likely to recall seeing shoppable ads, which provides marketers an opportunity to connect with this valuable segment.

The full report can be accessed here



