Marketing Report
MeMo² launches Crossmedia Analytics Platform THX in Belgium

MeMo² launches Crossmedia Analytics Platform THX in Belgium

MeMo² has launched the innovative Crossmedia Analytics Platform THX in Belgium. This, after a successful introduction on the Dutch market with 1300 measured campaigns in 2020.
Marcel Vogels, founder of MeMo2: “In the Netherlands, many large advertisers focus on the Benelux.Early in the year, we received requests from several brands to include Belgium in the THX range in addition to the  Netherlands. We have responded concretely with the introduction of THX in Belgium ”.
MeMo2 expects that the adoption of the cross-media measurement platform THX in Belgium will develop at a similar rate as in the Netherlands. Not only do more brands want to be able to control the success of cross media advertising and marketing, Covid-19 also ensures that Crossmedia Transparency must be delivered digitally and daily as much as possible.
In terms of functionality, the THX Platform in Belgium will be identical to that of the Netherlands. The linked THX Audience in Belgium will also be made fully representative of the population of our southern neighbors. This is provided by an alliance with three well-known panel parties in Belgium.
In addition to supporting brands from the Netherlands, MeMo2 will also seek partnerships with Belgian brands, media operators and media agencies. These brands, just like their Dutch colleagues, will want independent, sustainable, integrated and direct feedback on cross-media reach and effectiveness. This as a logical addition to the input of the CIM (Belgian SKO) which mainly provides traditional currencies, but does not offer daily validation in the integrated effect of TV, radio, online video, DOOH, in-store and cinema advertising on campaign - and brand level.
The rollout of THX to other countries does not stop at Belgium. THX is currently active in the development and contract formation towards a number of other countries.
MeMo² is an independent research and consulting firm specialized in measuring, quantifying and optimizing advertising effects and providing big data and modeling solutions. MeMo² enables advertisers, agencies and publishers to significantly improve the effectiveness, accountability and ROI of cross media investments (television, online, radio, print, outdoor, mobile, events and / or sponsorships).
The THX Platform offers daily integrated transparency of cross-media reach, audience and effect. This form of Crossmedia Analytics gives brands real-time insight into:
- Cross media range
- Cross media contact frequencies
- Exposed audiences
- Development in store traffic
- Development on fire uplift
- Deep quantitative consumer insights
- Deep qualitative consumer insights
In 2020 the THX Platform won 5 prizes during the European Research Awards
