Marketing Report
Mediatic expands with Tamara Doves and Marie Wessels

Mediatic expands with Tamara Doves and Marie Wessels

Tamara Doves and Marie Wessels have joined Mediatic. This expansion fits within the growth ambition of the Amsterdam-based full-service content marketing agency. In her position, Tamara Doves focuses on the content marketing (strategy) of progressive companies. Marie Wessels strengthens Mediatic's growing PR department as a consultant.

Dennis Mensink, founder and owner of Mediatic: “This expansion is in line with the growing demand from existing and new clients in the field of content and PR. With Tamara Doves and Marie Wessels we are adding two communication professionals to our organization, each with their own expertise. I am convinced that they will help us further in our mission to be the content marketing agency for progressive clients.”

Entrepreneurial Spirit

After her Journalism study, Tamara Doves worked successively as an editor for Man Bijt Hond (NCRV), de Volkskrant and EditieNL (RTL Netherlands). She also worked as a communications officer for Amnesty International and wrote a biweekly column for the Metro. After working independently for two years as the copy cannon, she now opts for the fun and dynamics of office life. Tamara Doves: “I don't want to lose my entrepreneurial spirit, but I missed colleagues around me. I was homesick for like-minded people and opposites who make me laugh, challenge, think along and be critical. Mediatic seems to me to be the right agency to find all this. One moment laughing hard at something insignificant, the next moment working concentrated on the successor of Lef and LiEF. Even though I've only just started

Making connections

Marie Wessels has a past in journalism and worked as a customer success manager at a tech scale-up. With extensive experience in the field of customer contact and communication, De Alkmaarse is an expert in building and maintaining relationships with various clients. Marie Wessels: “I enjoy connecting different people, themes and ideas, especially when there doesn't seem to be a match at first glance. To then translate that into a sharp press release or a stimulating angle; I really get my satisfaction from that.”
