Marketing Report
MediaCom unveils new division merging media and creativity to drive brand relevance

MediaCom unveils new division merging media and creativity to drive brand relevance

MediaCom is launching MediaCom Creative Systems, bringing together media with data and tech-enabled creativity to drive brand relevance and accelerate growth for its clients.

 Following a successful launch in the US and Australia, Creative Systems is being rolled out globally across the entire MediaCom network.

As part of the network’s new ‘Seeing the Bigger Picture’ proposition, the launch includes a suite of new data-driven creative products, including Addressable Creative, which will dramatically improve media performance by integrating addressable creative with addressable media, and Creative Analytics.

This new tool uses AI to understand which ads work and which don’t and will take best practice learnings from those that do to make client communications plans work better.

The agency is also launching MediaCom Play, a new full-service gaming practice which will advise clients on how best to invest and execute in the fastest growing entertainment genre in the world. It will have regional hubs in New York, London and Shanghai.

Stef Calcraft, Global CEO, Creative Transformation, MediaCom: “We have entered a new era of creativity, where relevance sits at the heart of every CEO and CMO’s growth ambitions. But to drive relevance requires different ways of working and a transformed combination of creative solutions. The creative potential of the data and insights available to media agencies is ground-breaking, but it is largely untapped due to the divide that still too often exists between media and creative. Creative Systems bridges this gap to help accelerate the creative transformation of our clients’ brands and businesses.”

Creative Systems expands the range of creative products and services previously offered by MediaCom’s award-winning MediaCom Beyond Advertising division, including Media Partnerships, Influencer Marketing, SEO and Sports & Entertainment, and will make them available in more markets around the world.

This unified approach to media and creativity is integrated with MediaCom’s client leadership teams and the agency’s Systems Planning approach to ensure maximum marketing effectiveness for the network’s clients.

Creative Systems will also benefit from WPP and GroupM’s data, technology and content capabilities and has built close working relationships with Motion Content Group, the industry leader in premium entertainment and long-form programming, Hogarth Worldwide and Greenhouse Group, the industry’s leading data-driven creative production companies.

