Marketing Report
Mediacom, partners launch $3 million contest targeting advertiser clients

Mediacom, partners launch $3 million contest targeting advertiser clients

 MediaCom, Teads, TikTok and Yahoo have launched The Big Idea – a contest that will see a number of MediaCom’s advertiser clients win up to $3 million of media value for their brand’s 2022 campaigns across the promoters’ platforms.

The innovative new partnership takes the form of a commercial contest inspiring MediaCom’s clients to work with their agency team to develop innovative, creative and impactful campaign ideas. Submissions will have to use each of the three media owners’ data, tech and creative services and be executed exclusively in their media outlets. The three winners will be chosen by juries comprised of senior executives from across the respective media platforms, selecting their favourite proposals accordingly.

Each respective winner will get up to $1 million of media value (actual allocation depends on market location of winning account team) to invest with the media owner partner they developed the idea with. The contest is running in seven key markets: UK, US, Canada (excluding Quebec), France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

The contest launched on 8th September, and clients and their MediaCom teams have until 29th October to develop and submit their ideas. The winners will be announced in November.

As well as offering up to $3 million in media value, the contest is also designed to build even stronger relationships between MediaCom, its clients, Teads, TikTok and Yahoo.

Nick Lawson, Global CEO, MediaCom: “Relationships are a critical part of our business and this contest celebrates our strong bonds with our media owner partners. Our investment team have created a unique opportunity for our clients, one that will allow them to explore bold new ideas on three of the world’s most exciting platforms. I’m sure our teams and our clients will be inspired by the potential of this amazing opportunity.”

