Marketing Report
Rootless destigmatizes menopause with “own your pause” campaign

Rootless destigmatizes menopause with “own your pause” campaign

Rootless, a whole health brand committed to integrating sustainably sourced seaweed into everyday diets, has announced Own Your Pause, a campaign designed to support women through their peri- and postmenopausal stages by sharing personal stories of those who have navigated this significant life transition.

Menopause is inevitable, yet there's a notable lack of resources to educate those experiencing it about their changing bodies, and the shame and stigma surrounding the topic discourages open discussion. Produced by Red Antler, the Own Your Pause’s PSA-style video spotlights a group of diverse and powerful women sharing their menopausal experiences in a way that is both relatable and heartfelt, encouraging others to join the conversation.

 In conjunction with the video, Rootless created a landing page that highlights these personal stories, along with a symptom tracker, quiz, and other educational resources that can give women, who are likely feeling lost or overwhelmed, a map of where and how to start navigating this complex and transformative journey.

Sachi Singh, Founder and CEO, Rootless: “There are millions of women silently enduring menopausal symptoms, searching for answers, support, and community. Our goal is to build trust and empower them with the necessary resources for whatever stage they’re at and bring these whispered and stigmatized conversations front and center.”

Founded by Sachi Singh, who has spent over ten years working on climate change in the hopes of building a better food system for people and the planet, Rootless strives to educate consumers on how seaweed supports hormonal harmony in menopause and beyond. Timed with International Women’s Day, Own Your Pause intends to build community, awareness, and normalcy for those experiencing a largely under-discussed, under-supported, and under-serviced universal part of life.

Maggie Sause, Head of Marketing, Red Antler: "Rootless is inviting women to join a dialogue around a universal experience that has been under-discussed, under-supported, and under-serviced in the U.S. and beyond. In doing so, Rootless is building a brand community grounded in authentic and meaningful connection. Brands that are able to deliver on their founding mission in ways that go beyond the transactional deliver sustainable value to their audiences that can have compounding effects on business growth."

Out of the 450 million people experiencing potentially debilitating menopause symptoms, 75 percent of them don’t get treated. Own Your Pause aims to elevate the experience of those going through menopause, as well as provide information, break down complex subjects, offer solutions and validate their aging journeys. T

The campaign will also kickstart a Facebook group where women will be empowered to share their stories and source information from an open and honest platform. Those who join the group or sign up for email will receive 20% off their Daily Bite subscription.
