Marketing Report
Post Corona Posts: What will you do when this pandemic is over?

Post Corona Posts: What will you do when this pandemic is over? is a global online platform where people can share their post-pandemic intentions anonymously with the rest of the world. It’s a single page where people can finish the sentence: When this pandemic is over, I will…

The idea is that when people confess their plans in public, they are more likely to stick to them and carry them out. All this is important because we believe people find it difficult to pursue the things they really want in life. We provide them with a nudge towards carrying out their dreams.

But we don’t only show the big and dreamy plans. It’s the small and weird things people secretly like to do that makes this project so interesting. After people submit their 100-character answer, their post will be placed in an ever-growing gallery of anonymous plans and confessions. The posts are colour-coded by country and time, so it becomes visible how these intentions spread around the world, just like an actual virus.

As a reward for participation, people can view all other submitted posts in a digital gallery and if they’re really lucky, their posts will be published on billboards across The Netherlands for the physical world to enjoy.

The idea behind the platform

They say it takes an existential threat to see things clearly — but what are those things? With what desires are we going to come out of this crisis? Will we find re-appraisal for our basic human freedoms like hugging friends, visiting family, standing in a crowd or buying toilet paper? Or are we finally going to kick-start our bigger plans like travelling, quitting your job or filing for divorce?

The platform is not only a collection of our collective plans, but it also tries to inspire action — when people confess in public, they are more likely to stick to them and carry them out. All this is important because we believe people find it difficult to pursue the things they really want in life. Posting on is like making a pact with yourself to really start living your life when the pandemic is over, even if it means licking a stranger’s hand.

Examples of post corona posts

When this pandemic is over, I will…

Hug all of my friends non-stop for one hour.

Stop scrolling on Insta and start strolling IRL.

Sneeze in someone else’s armpit.

Quit my job and discover the world.

Stop dancing on my own!

Find a new excuse not to visit my in-laws.

Credits is created by Hallelujah and developed by Dotcontrol. A selection of most inspiring, funny or hopeful messages will be displayed in real-time on digital billboards (owned by Bereik) across The Netherlands, for the physical world to see.
