Marketing Report
[Embassy of Dutch Creativity] Ambassador, Becky Lowe, Managing Director, MassiveMusic Amsterdam

[Embassy of Dutch Creativity] Ambassador, Becky Lowe, Managing Director, MassiveMusic Amsterdam

Ambassador introduction: MassiveMusic

The Embassy of Dutch Creativity will be present again during the international advertising festival in Cannes from Monday 19 to Friday 23 June. Since 2015, the trade mission of the joint Dutch creative industry has been supported by various Dutch trade associations, individual agencies and other service providers.

One of the new names on the roster of supporters of the Embassy of Dutch Creativity is MassiveMusic. Rumor has it they throw a massive party every once in a while, but MassiveMusic is also a leading international creative music agency and works with some of the biggest brands in the world. MassiveMusic, a Songtradr company, helps them and their agency partners create music to bring their 360 content to life while driving excitement and engagement.

Normally the nifty creators and strategic thinkers behind MassiveMusic can be found in offices and studios around the world, but will be in Cannes next week. For MarketingReport we had a catch-up with Rebeccah - of Becky - Lowe, Managing Director of MassiveMusic Amsterdam about their plans for Cannes.

Becky Lowe, Managing Director of MassiveMusic Amsterdam

Becky, MassiveMusic has become a household name in Cannes and not only because of the party in Cannes. What is the secret behind the success of MassiveMusic?

First and foremost, our Massivians have a big love for music running through their veins. This passion to hit the right notes stands at the base of every project. In combination with a creative mindset, we take a strategic approach to everything we do, thinking along from early in the brief to ensure we are always delivering an approach to music and sound that will hit the planned target, while also pushing the dial on how music can influence success.

How important is creativity to you?

It is integral. We need to be creative in everything we do, and when I say everything, I mean it – from how we handle our workload to how we collaborate on a daily basis. Every brief we take on requires a unique creative approach to work towards a music solution, and every partnership calls for a bespoke creative angle to be put in place to deliver bespoke music and sound to help drive success. MassiveMusic wouldn’t exist without creativity!

 So, creativity is key. What would you describe as your biggest creative success to date?

That’s a tough question. Gauging the success of creativity is different for everyone but, to not avoid the question, I’d say the fact that we’ve been delivering stellar creative for partners that keep coming back to us for 22+ years. We make so much music and are proud of everything we put out into the world. Choosing one project or score as our biggest success feels impossible.

 You recently became an ambassador of the Embassy. Why?

We believe in supporting the Dutch creative industry and helping shine a light on the local talent. It’s important to create a united front to help magnify the opportunity of working with Dutch creative based businesses.

 What are the plans for this year? What are you going to do in Cannes?

This year we are supplying all of the music for the Embassy of Dutch Creativity to help create the right mood for all of the activities planned. We will also attend events being hosted, like the Future Bosses lunch. And, obviously, we’re throwing our infamous party together with our friends at Media.Monks. This year’s theme, ‘ProMMMMpt’ is a double nod to prom night and ChatGPT prompts. I guess AI will be the main character at the festival this year. Want to bet?

You are probably right about this. A year ago nobody had ever heard of ChatGPT. Specifically, what do you hope to take home from Cannes?

Cannes is always a surprise! But I’d say the experience of having met an abundance of like-minded creative people and exciting new briefs to get working on as we come back together in Amsterdam. Such festivals are always a great opportunity to surround yourself with like-minded individuals and talk about all things music. If when going home, everyone's a little more aware of the power of music, we’ve succeeded.

Thanks, Becky. Let’s hope the melodies will weave their magic in Cannes. See you there.

Embassy of Dutch Creativity

This year, the Embassy of Dutch Creativity will move into a villa straight on the Boulevard in Cannes. Here in this centrally located venue various talks and sessions will be organized with a single overall objective: promote Dutch creativity worldwide. The supporters of the Embassy of Dutch Creativity - called ambassadors and partners - traditionally represent a wide selection of the Dutch creative industry, ranging from advertising to digital, design, music and film.

The location of the Embassy of Dutch Creativity: 24 Boulevard de la Croisette, 06400 Cannes, France.

The program of the week can be found on:

Also read:

[Embassy of Dutch Creativity] Ambassador Ravid Kuperberg, Partner, Mindscapes


