Marketing Report
[eMarketer] Influencer marketing in US

[eMarketer] Influencer marketing in US

Despite a number of US marketers slashing spending on influencer marketing due to the devastating effects of COVID-19, there has been a marked interest in working with influencers.

The percentage of US marketers using influencers growing from 55.4 per cent in 2019 to 62.3 per cent in 2020 according to a forecast by eMarketer. This is poised to grow to 67.9 per cent in 2021 especially among marketers with 100 or more employees.

Even with perceived risks, influencer marketing is shaping up to be a crucial aspect that US businesses are embracing.

Henri Lessing, Managing Partner AGE Media: "Interesting figures! I think we will also see a professionalisation of Influcencers marketing and the involvement of the so-called 'home grown Influencers'. These are 'Brands-own Influencers squad's', which are truly devoted to the message and the brand (from staff to fans, from micro to macro Influencers). Along with reach, engagement is the key!"

Read the full eMarketer article here


