Marketing Report
[Campaigns] Lukkien: Super Suzuki in CGI

[Campaigns] Lukkien: Super Suzuki in CGI

As an ad agency The Merge will never turn away from a daring challenge and in that Lukkien likes to think they found their equal when they asked Lukkien to produce four different – full CGI – animated tv spots.

The final imagery is used throughout the 360 campaign. TV commercials, socials, banner ads and POS stills all used Lukkien renders.

Lukkien produces assets and content since 1972. From high-end ATL images and films to social stories and brand movies. No matter the source, no matter the output needed… we can create it. Our size and experience make us the ideal partner for large volume e-commerce and social asset production in photography, film and CGI. What’s your challenge? Bring it on!

