Marketing Report
Logitech marks milestone in conflict-free minerals commitment

Logitech marks milestone in conflict-free minerals commitment

 Logitech International has announced that its products are now what can be commonly understood as free from conflict minerals.

This is a significant milestone in the Company’s ongoing work to meet its 2013 conflict mineral commitment to operate a supply chain that supports the fostering of peace and stability in areas where violence and human rights abuse is often overlooked.

Now, all Logitech products are verified as being made only with minerals and resulting metals that comply with conflict-free standards. Additionally, 100% of in-scope smelter suppliers are now participating in a third-party responsible minerals sourcing audit program.

Prakash Arunkundrum, Head of Global Operations and Sustainability, Logitech: “Logitech is dedicated to pursuing transparency throughout our supply chain, promoting responsible sourcing, and the avoidance of conflict minerals worldwide, We continually strive to operate supply chains that foster peace, accountability, and economic development in high-risk areas where mineral sourcing and sale could potentially finance armed conflict and human rights abuses.”

Logitech is committed to ensuring that its mineral supply chain contributes positively to social economic development and continues to strengthen its responsible business practices in support of conflict-free minerals sourcing.

 As a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), Logitech is committed to sourcing components and materials from companies that meet standards and values around human rights, ethics, and environmental responsibility.

The company’s Conflict-free Sourcing Program and the subsequent publication of a Conflict Minerals Policy launched in 2013 have since made meaningful progress in a short time toward achieving 100% of the supply chain engaged in the independent Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) conflict-free program by 2020.

